December has been really weird with online dating... This chick that I actually have personal friends in common with on FB hits me up... I made a joke that she should bring me pizza... She flipped it to I should come to her house... Taiwan is not that type of person yo. Anyways just wanted to see where this would go... She had a costume on in one of her pics... I jokingly said I would get the pizza if she put this on... Anyways I thought this was one big joke but apparently she was really serious. This was from a few weeks ago... One day I'll post the whole conversation... It's very very funny. Btw I didn't edit anything from this screenshot... I started thinking to myself... Wow this is how dudes get robbed or blackmailed and when I came back to my phone was this whole rant. I even tired after this to meet her at a restaurant but then we just couldn't recover from here 😂😂😂😂😂

via Instagram
